Google has released Chrome 100.0.4896.127 for Windows, Mac, and Linux, to fix a high-severity zero-day vulnerability actively used by threat actors in attacks.
谷歌称这个更新将在接下来几周里发出,用户们现在可以进入Chrome菜单>帮助>关于Google Chrome来立即获取更新。
While Google states that this Chrome update will roll out in the next few weeks, users can receive it immediately by going into the Chrome menu > Help > About Google Chrome.
The browser will also automatically check for new updates and install them the next time you close and relaunch Google Chrome.
As this bug is actively exploited in attacks, it is strongly advised that you perform a manual check for new updates and relaunch the browser to apply them.
Few details disclosed
今天修复的零日漏洞被称为CVE-2022-1364,是一个Chrome V8 JavaScript引擎中的高重要性的类型混淆漏洞。
The zero-day bug fixed today is tracked as CVE-2022-1364 and is a high severity type confusion weakness in the Chrome V8 JavaScript engine.
While type confusion flaws generally lead to browser crashes following successful exploitation by reading or writing memory out of buffer bounds, attackers can also exploit them to execute arbitrary code.
这个漏洞是由来自谷歌的威胁分析小组的Clément Lecigne发现的,并在昨天被报告给了谷歌的Chrome团队。
This vulnerability was discovered by Clément Lecigne from Google’s Threat Analysis Group who reported it to the Google Chrome team yesterday.
While Google said they have detected attacks exploiting this zero-day, it did not provide further details regarding how these attacks are conducted.
“Access to bug details and links may be kept restricted until a majority of users are updated with a fix,” Google added.
这是此次更新里透露的唯一一个更新,说明Chrome 100.0.4896.127是为了修复这个问题的紧急更新。
This is the only vulnerability disclosed in this update, indicating that Chrome 100.0.4896.127 was pushed out as an emergency update to resolve this issue.
Third Chome zero-day fixed this year
With this update, Google has addressed the third Chrome zero-day since the start of 2022.
The previous two vulnerabilities found in 2022 are listed below.
As this zero-day is known to be used in attacks, it is strongly advised to update Google Chrome as soon as possible.
原文:Google Chrome emergency update fixes zero-day used in attacks (